Burden of disease estimates (2020) for HEAL-SL deaths by region, age, sex, and cause [Published:2023-01-02]
Region Code Cause-of-death Category Sub-category Sex Age-group National-estimated-2020 Population-thousands-UN-2020-average
National estimated deaths (2020) by age, sex and cause, Sierra Leone [Published:2023-01-02]
Code Cause of Death Category Sub-category Sex Age-group Study Deaths National-estimated-deaths-2020 Population-thousands-UN-2020-average
National estimated deaths (2020) by region and cause, Sierra Leone [Published:2023-01-02]
Code Cause of Death Category Sub-category Region Study Deaths National-estimated-deaths-2020 Population-thousands-UN-2020-average
Number of sampled enumeration areas and population covered by district and urban/rural [Published:2023-01-02]
Region District Enumeration Areas Population Covered Study Deaths Rural Deaths Urban Deaths Home Deaths Outside Home Deaths

Interactive map showing study population and deaths for each district [Published:2023-01-02]